Tikanga and mātauranga Māori resources for speech-language therapy
In Aotearoa, tamariki-mokopuna Māori are significantly overrepresented in the numbers requiring speech, language and communication support.
Speech-language therapy services need to be culturally appropriate for Māori whānau, hapu and iwi; and relevant to kaupapa Māori education. Currently there is a dearth of kaupapa Māori research available with a focus on speech-language communication needs of tamariki Māori.
This study, led by Nicky-Marie Kohere-Smiler from Piki Kotuku Speech Language Therapy, aims to develop a guiding framework for speech-language therapy, working with whānau and kaiako of Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki, who support tamariki with complex speech language communication needs.
It will design and create a Kete-Rauemi (resource pack) for whānau and kaiako who support tamariki with mild-to-moderate speech language communication needs (who do not meet criteria for publicly funded support for speech-language therapy). This will help ensure that whānau, kaiako of Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki hapu/iwi have access to information and learning support that they need to nurture the whole wellbeing of tamariki.
A secondary aim of the research is to develop a guiding framework for Speech Language Therapists working with whānau and kaiako Māori who support tamariki with complex speech language communication needs in Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki rohe.
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